spockbot.plugins.helpers.chat module

Processes chat into easy to use events

class spockbot.plugins.helpers.chat.ChatCore(net)

Bases: object

whisper(player, message)
exception spockbot.plugins.helpers.chat.ChatParseError

Bases: Exception

class spockbot.plugins.helpers.chat.ChatPlugin(ploader, settings)

Bases: spockbot.plugins.base.PluginBase

Emits chat events with position, raw, text, type, message, name, uuid.

position: Always one of spockbot.mcdata.constants‘s CHAT_POS_CHAT, CHAT_POS_SYSTEM_MESSAGE, CHAT_POS_ABOVE_HOTBAR.

raw: Always the JSON dict as received from the server.

text: The text (without formatting) of the chat message as the vanilla client would display it. Needs en_US.lang to be present in the active directory, otherwise some but not all messages are translated properly.

type: None or one of achievement, admin, announcement, emote, incoming, outgoing, text, which are the last part of the corresponding vanilla translation IDs.

If type is not None, message, name, uuid are set and an additional chat_<type> event is emitted. Otherwise, message, name, uuid are all None.

message: The message as it was typed by the sender.

name: The name of the sender.

uuid: The UUID of the sender, with dashes.

events = {'PLAY<Chat Message': 'handle_chat'}
handle_chat(evt, packet)
pl_announce = ('Chat',)

Render the text as in the vanilla client. On a vanilla server, this uses the translations dict.

requires = ('Event', 'Net')